
Sometimes a hospice will seek accreditation because it really is seeking to validate in some fashion or form that it does perform at an exemplary level. And so, they’re going to seek that accreditation because they’re really seeking an additional recognition that they are performing well above the baseline of accepted standards.

Margherita Labson

The Board’s Role in Accreditation

Many hospices are accredited by an outside accrediting body, yet many board members may not completely understand the process or how they might be asked to participate.

In this Spotlight Interview, Bill Musick, President of Integriti3D, talks with Margherita Labson, Principal of MCLabson Consultation and Education. They discuss the board’s role in accreditation, including why an organization would choose to be accredited and what are the alternatives.


Marghertia Labson

Principal, MCLabson Consultation and Education

How to Watch This Interview

Spotlight Interviews are available by email requests to Bill Musick at bill@integriti3d.com, subject line: Spotlight Interview Request: [NAME OF INTERVIEW]. 

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