Often, when I see chairs misstep, it’s truly because it’s a misunderstanding of roles, of process, of purpose, and of responsibilities. So, if you are ever seeing this, maybe re-frame yourselves as chairs. Or, if you are a board member, maybe think about if your chair is accidentally stepping into these waters.

Marla Cornelius

Consultant and Coach for Nonprofit Leadership

Great Board Chairs – And How to Become One

A great board chair is only as effective as the leadership triad between the chair, the CEO, and the board members. Marla Cornelius, consultant and coach in nonprofit leadership, management, and board governance, shares what it takes to be a great board chair in this three part Spotlight Interview.

Learn about how the chair can be an effective facilitative leader, the different roles a chair plays, how a chair needs to think about their sphere of influence and authority, and how to guard against the misuse of power.

Watch the full interview by choosing one of the payment options below.

How to Watch This Interview

Spotlight Interviews are available by email requests to Bill Musick at bill@integriti3d.com, subject line: Spotlight Interview Request: [NAME OF INTERVIEW]. 

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